Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback...

Well it's my favorite meme and considering
it's the middle of the summer I'd go back to the summer of 2000.
Not to far back, but it was still without a digital camera.

We had gone to Legoland because
my two little boys loved legos
and they couldn't get enough of them.
I figured the day would be relaxing and fun...

Trying to keep them from getting at the actual structures
...well a 4 and 2 year old are quite fast when it comes to their passion!

For more Flashback fun...check out Alicia's!.


More Than Words said...

LOL, hes halfway through the gate!!

Can you believe we've never been to Legoland??? I wonder if my kids would want to go there now?

Anonymous said...

How did you keep them from tearing the Legos down? If I was them, I would want to do that just so I can build it back up, :)