Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday

And you are living stones 
that God is building into his spiritual temple. 
What's more, you are his holy priests
Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices 
that please God.
1 Peter 2:5



Laurie Ann said...

Such a beautiful picture for this verse! Happy Word Filled Wednesday to you.

A Stone Gatherer said...

I love that verse, and the picture! How grand God is!

Tracy said...

Hi Lorrie!
I love this WFW...what a powerful verse!

Thanks for taking part in my giveaway and becoming a "follower." I wanted to come by and see your place, too! It's beautiful here and it's always great to meet new friends. (You have such a precious family!)

I was especially excited to read you are on a weight loss journey, because I have been, as well. I just recently met my goal and now I'm trying to learn to maintain. I pray you have resounding success as you continue along this road.

Blessings, sweet one.

LisaShaw said...

Hi Lorrie this post is beautiful! I left you a reply on my blog. I so look forward to getting to know you better. You have a precious family!

Bless you.