Renee Ballard at left, son J and grandma and grandpa
(You guys already know I'm not a grammer expert...warning...errors ahead...I write like I talk.)
Well today I'm honoring a woman who wishes she had those same laments listed above (probably not the car one.)
My friend from church recently received the
PARENT of the year by the Ventura County Autism Society and I was so proud for her. It's a group no one goes out and joins for their own enjoyment. You don't wake up one day and say..."Hey...when I have a child...I'm going to join the Autism Society!" It's a group you join for support, a shoulder to cry on, and a place of action as you navigate life with a child who is Autistic. It's a spectrum disability so no two people will suffer with the same severity. God gives us children to love and parent and some are more challenging. That's a part of life. Is it fair? Folks..."His ways are not our ways!" So I can't answer that question. I do know that it is what it is. (oh and if the Autism Society president is reading membership renewal is in the mail. :) )
Anyhoo...I'm off chasing a rabbit...and if I don't stop, you'll stop reading and miss what I'm going to say about Renee.
Renee received this award out of the thousands of parents in the county because she tirelessly champions for her son and other children. She's not the kind of mom who runs off when life get tough. When things get rough...she dig in, rolls up her sleeves, and not only helps her own child...but countless others.
While the rest of us are asleep...she has her "me" time...scanning the internet with helpful programs she emails to various mothers. She holds a title on the Autism Society board but I don't remember it. The point is...she goes out of her way, helping, engaging, working and assisting all those she comes around. (To top it off she heads our church's nursery program too.)
She's blessed with two children. One (creative and bright) daughter who's entering the university next fall and her younger son (whose the cutie in the photo and a budding artist).
What kind of mom is she? She's the kind that...
"watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
If you're planning on doing that you need to be around the house to watch the affairs. She's not known for running the streets indulging herself in recreation that doesn't involve the entire family. I think it's o.k. to hang out one a week or so...but if you're a mom of children under 18 and you're in the street more than twice a can you be at home to parent?
"her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
I know her family loves and praises her. I've heard her daughter when she was a teen in the youth group... complain like teens do and then on a about the great qualities her mom has. I've heard her husband go on and on about his wonderful wife. (And not just when he's joking around.)
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:27-29
Right now she only has one out of two that call her blessed in full sentences (although I hear her son pray in Sunday that's not far off) I'm asking you to leave a comment to give her a little praise. You might know her or probably not...but we as parents love getting a little praise. I'll be emailing this to her tomorrow. She's very humble and wouldn't let me announce it to the church. So I asked her..."oh...I like to journal on the internet...can I put it there." Well she obliged.
Congratulations Renee...and Happy Mother's Day (a little early.)
Don't forget to click on the comments and give her a shout out!
I'll be the first to comment. Renee thanks so much for taking the time to send me all the stuff you do. We've benefitted from you poking around the internet and you're a blessing to my family each Sunday. Thanks for being there. Love ya!
Thanks for being an encourager, a good mom, and good friend from what I read. May God continue to bless you in all you do for your family and for Him! Blessings
Lorrie, first a shout out to you for honoring your friend.
Renee, may God continue to place encouragers in your path and may you lean on them on days when you don't feel you can stand on your own. Your son is so blessed to have a mom who is his advocate and also the champion of other moms who need to be championed. Instead of letting life make you bitter, you've chosen to make life better. Congratulations on your award! May you feel the love and support of special friends and the all-encompassing love of your God who trusted you with such a precious gift. Happy Mother's Day!
What a beautiful story.
Renee-You are a very inspiring woman and Mom. How blessed are those who are in your life...especially your chidren. Reading about you has me awestruck and thankful. I'm thankful for moms like you. How fortunate we would all be to have someone like you in our lives. Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
You deserve to receives this honor.
I have ALWAYS thought you were the best mom J could have; you are so proactive and I have seen such amazing progress in the five and a half years I've known him! I can't believe you teach K's sunday school class on top of everything else.
Thanks and Blessings!
Sounds like a wonderful mother! A wonderful advocate for her children!
Renee. What an encouragement you have been since we moved out here. I know that your day to day life is hard and yet I still see you with a smile on and encouraging others. What a blessing to your family and all of us to have a Great Mom Friend in our lives. Happy Mothers Day to You!! <3 Abbie
That is so wonderful! What an honor!
Girl, you wished me a happy birthday -- don't be rushing the aging process. My bday is in July! :o) Maybe you meant Mother's Day. ha
That is what you get for the fat shirt comment. lol
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