Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello spring time!

I know...I'm running behind a month.  Well I'm finally putting away my winter stuff today! Good bye snow boots...(we don't get snow...we have to go to it. Rain really isn't an issue. How sad.)  Good bye jackets, gloves, sleds and mittens.  I's a little late...but I was hoping for ONE more cold rain and then we'd have snow in the mountains. 

When winter "or our so called winter here" is finished...we get alternating days of sun and fun or gloom and doom.  That's our spring.  Since my city is coastal we spend a lot of days under gloom and doom. a magic clock 3 p.m. rolls around and the clouds roll back to show glorious sunshine. Praise the Lord.  

I praise God for our "non seasons".  Why don't you stop and praise God wherever you whatever weather you have today.


Darlene said...

Today was a beautiful day in Alabama! Not too hot...not too cold and the wind was just right!
A day you wish you could be outside allllll day!

RCUBEs said...

Finally, got cooler here in So. CA. I just want to thank you for taking a peek at my site. I get excited when I meet new sister in Christ. I hope you don't mind that I want to be your follower now so I don't miss your posts. :) Blessings to you.