Just a note...I'm taking the challenge of unplugging for this Friday. See the button at the right? Do you know what that means? No Blogging. No facebook. No Twitter...no computer. Nothing!
Now if you're reading this at work...You're thinking..."That's impossible". No, actually it's no Consider the spirit of the challenge. You can use your computer at work for WORK only tomorrow. That means...no email...forwarding helpful tidbits of this and that. You'll only use the computer for work only...I know no one does that anymore.
If you're at home...you can just ignore the computer all day. It might call to you...but don't listen.
If you're willing to take the challenge, great!
With the extra time you can organize something in your house or desk at work. You can journal or....
you could read the bible for leisure.
Yes I said it.
"You mean I'm not reading it preparing for Sunday School or a bible study?"
Yep! You can read it for leisure. - You just can't do it online.
Blessings, and I'll see you when I post on Saturday...
the dreaded weigh in.
Have a great day off!
kari & kijsa
Are you on Facebook as well? If so look me up: Sandra Neal King. We'll miss you in blogland, but I understand.
Yes...I'm on Facebook! I just started about a month ago and it's quite addicting. I've found everyone I've looked for except my running buddy in high school. It's really crazy talking to a cousin...next to a elementary friend...next to a current neighbor.
Have fun but I"ll still be online. Don't see the point of "on-line fasting".
I'll have to try this one day!!!
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