Friday, November 07, 2008

Thanks Billie and Stan

O.k. - this is a serious thank you for my friends Stan and Billie who took in my little and big ones at the last minute.  YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!  Next year Billie you can go back to Autumn Leaves if B's conference doesn't conflict with the date.  Since I figure the dates will probably said you're on for next year as well.  (Sorry :)  Don't fret - you got to go in 2007,  and I'll give you all my stuff and notes.  I love you guys!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all you're a brat! Now I know where Nathan gets it from. I love you guys too! We hav sum serious fun 2gether and I don't care what Stan says, we'll never git old! We'll b 60 drinkin our virgin margaritas and yellin at our kids in ur backyard, crying because r grown autistic kids hav had kids behind r backs.