The mark you leave on a sheet of stationery that lies underneath the one you wrote on.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which also in Christ Jesus. Phil 2: 3-4
This last week during VBS...I came away with many impressions...
of children enjoying a change in routine...
of parents enjoying a bit of a break during the day...
of workers enjoying the task of serving children...
but my greatest impression lies with the older women and their attitudes of their surroundings.
At one undisclosed point (which happens during every VBS) there was chaos swirling around us, children were cranky, teachers were cranky, and things were a bit overwhelming...
and the seasoned Godly women...kept working.
without complaint.
finding solutions.
continuously offering help.
I hate to say...my generation would have pitched a big fit, vented to everyone in earshot and headed to Starbucks...
The over 70 set impressed me with the fact that they came for the interest of the children...
Sure they love doing crafts and spoke of VBS from 50 years ago...
but their main reason for being there was to
look out for the personal interest of the children and show them...
Jesus Christ lives within...
wrinkled skin,
aging cataract eyes and
lifeless grey hair.
They impressed my younger (and easily rumpled) sheet of paper with grace, humility and diligence.
Praying these impressions will last.
That is so sweet! What a wonderful observation Lorrie!
Now, to the business at hand. You have no excuses now. You must do a vlog. I don't use a video camera anyway. Before I had the web cam, I used my digital camera (that has a little "video" feature on it). And it is a cheap camera that I purchased from Target.
So this week, I expect to see your smiling face and hear your voice girlie!
Oh yah...there's always that chaos (warfare) behind the scenes at VBS!!!
It does make me appreciate the leaders, and their hearts to serve the kids!!
I love seniors...especially when they are patient and loving to children! How sweet of you to recognize them.
I agree, the wise women at our VBS were such a pleasure to have around. I really appreciate their help with the kids.
Isn't it wonderful when you suddenly key in on the lesson you're meant to learn?
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