Aboriginal Christian art...witnessing with art that is indigenous
Well we're in the swing of getting things ready for next weeks'
VBS and praying that I won't gain weight along the way. I have a sweet little house guest and my big men are off at youth camp/band camp! Lots of activity around here and hoping to get some things organized while their gone.
Let's see how the week goes...
Will be back in a few days!
Oh yah..busy busy!!!!
Have fun! Can't wait to hear about it!
I hope VBS was a great experience for you. I am praying your guys had an awesome time at youth camp and band camp. I miss those days of going to youth camp. :)
Have a great time! oh a little eating advice if I may... take almonds, raisins and a little sugar free chocolate around with you for a snack. If you don´t like those something that is good for you that is a treat that you can whip out when everyone else is pigging out and making their bodies feel bad. ;) You will feel so great afterward. YOu can do it!!
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