It's Friday Photo Flashback where Alicia is hosting a meme where we scan and showcase our pre-digital pictures. So get your photo albums out and start scanning...
I know I've pinned many times about the clothes in the 80s...but it seems that there were more choices of "groups" you could be into and they "jumped" groups at will.
If you were a jock and dressed preppy...no one cared.
If you were a "glove" wearer but was on the debate team...you just removed your red jacket before debates...
If you were a mall rat then you changed your clothes like the wind changed directions...
And it seemed that the 80s were the epitome of labels...
OK I'm going to name a few and see if you remember...
(Please excuse me for anyone younger than 35 or over 50...you can join in for a history lesson.)
JAG - does anyone remember this line? When Guess? was just jeans?
What about LA Gear shoes with the matching jacket and shoes...
and my favorite...
Esprit shoes and matching sweaters...and the shoes were the little pump with the sling on the back.
And lest we forget...
the ultimate...
(you can see below...)

Swatch watch with matching swatch sweatshirt.
(And my hair is all the way 80s too...Jeri curl with the "clip" holding my hair...)
OK I'm glad some things are gone...
but it's fun to remember...
and when I saw this picture I remember my mom and dad always said...
"Lorrie you have a phone growing out of your head"
Some things never change.
Jordache, Sergio Valente, Chemin de Fer (?)and don't forget Calvins! It was all about the jeans! What is amazing is how much it all mattered. (Never had a swatch, darn it!) Loved Espirit...there stuff was so cool.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I think the phone growing out of your head is cute, even if you had to keep it plugged into a wall and you had to decide between tone and pulse when it dialed (remember?).
Oh my gosh...loved my Guess jeans, and my red swatch watch!!!!!!!!
LOL...that picture could have so been me w/ the phone attached to my ear too!
Oh..and of course...L.A. Gear!! I had the white shoes!
Do you remember those stores Merry Go Round and DJ's???? I used to work at MGR, and that is when the brand I.O.U. came out!! LOL!
I felt so COOL with my LA Gears!! :) and I love the banana clip - you were a very snappy dresser!!! Still are!!
Remember the long curly phone cords?? You could wrap around and around your hand - but you still had to stand in the kitchen where EVERYONE could eavesdrop *dramatic teenage eye roll* LOL!!
Thank you for sharing!!!
Oh wow, you brought back memories...LOL. I remember getting my first swatch watch. I loved that thing! They were all rubbery and colorful. Esprit...I only had a few things. I actually wore many of my brother's hand me downs!! Can you believe it?! What about whale belts and Docksiders?? LOL
Oh I forgot about the phone being in the kitchen...you are so right...my parents would find me by the cord....I'd try to talk in the hall bathroom...'cause I didn't want folks to know my "business"....and I remember Jordache and Chemin de Fer...I couldn't wear Jorcache (bottom too big and I refused to wear a double digit number (a 10) but I loved my Chemin de Fers....
Remeber the swatch days!
Wow I never had a matching shirt to anything.. LOL..
That´s too funny about your phone growing out of your head! It fits this picture perfectly!
LOL, what fun memories!! I can't wait to hear which brands symbolize this decade...
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