Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog you've become....gasp! My husband!

Dear Blog...

I'm sorry I haven't attended to your needs as of late.
You know I love you.
We've been together a while now and
I know you're always there.

But the fun is worn off!

You're not shiny and new anymore!

It takes more effort and will to post.

I have to work at finding photos!

I don't even have an excuse.

Things are easier now that my 12 year old has lost his ipod!

I've got video and camera at my disposal!

You'd think I would be posting up a storm...

but alas...I'm not....

you've turned into my.......


Last Saturday my hubby and I actually spent the ENTIRE day together.
One was with our neighbors...
one was at a band competition...
and one was hanging with his friend around our house.
And we found out...

we need to put time and energy into this thing called marriage!
Just like I need to put time and energy into this blog!

We'll I'll focus on marriage and home!
So I'm off to do something special for my hubby and maybe even a cobbler for him!
Well maybe NOT the cobbler...he'll think I'm pregnant!


Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind,
regard one another as more important than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3

1 comment:

really.truly said...

Lorrie!! I hear ya on the blog stuff...seasons change, we change, needs change. Hoping you are having a great year!!