Friday, June 04, 2010

Don't be green with envy...crabgrass is to blame.

Originally uploaded by islandlorrie

so I heard the typical sound of my neighbor's gardner outside.

Lawn mowing
that loud blower!


His lawn.

But it's still not as dark as mine,
not as green...
not as desirable!

As I opened the door to look out at his lawn verses mine.
I noticed it...

that's why my lawn is dark...

it's something I've been overlooking...

too busy
COMPARING his yard with mine.

I thought I was on top...but it's

Now I'll have to use some of this...

and some serious arm muscle...
to take it out.
My lawn will no longer
green and pretty from the street.

It's necessary...
a little yellow...some brown patches...
and some ego lost.

If I don't take out the crabgrass now.

My yard might look good from afar...
but upclose...
it will be one big weed!

What weeds in your life need serious "taking out!"

God's got the answer....
Spray your life in prayer...
accept the brown patches and barren areas
and then wait and watch and see God restore you to
having a beautiful lawn...

The grass only looks greener on the other side...'cause there might be crabgrass in it!


Silvia said...

Omg, i miss you!!!so good to see you around.hope everyone is doing great.have a wonderful summer and stay in touch girl..

love <silvia.

Lorrie said...

I've missed you guys too. I tried to go private. sent out invitations and forgot to add folks...a bit of a mess. Anyhoo...I'm still a work in progress.

Lorrie said...
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Bethany said...

I love your analogy. Looks good from afar but doesn't bear close examination--how many of us can say our lovely looking lives could bear up under close scrutiny? Thank the Lord for His intercession that "weeds all my crabgrass"!