Thursday, September 10, 2009

thursday musings....

Well it looks like my lack of writing my blog has lost some followers...oh well.

This is a week of hectic activity so...
while I've been away I managed to...
help out in my son's class (keep an eye on him)
finalize my other son's curriculum (we're still homeschooling him)
become a band booster (which seems all encompassing)


gain .....

5 lbs.....

yep...5 lbs...

but I'm already on it...

after a slip up yesterday with some Rainbow sherbert....
I'm back on it...
I have a goal and I'm going to get there....

and I'm still without a simchip (my friend hasn't returned it)
and I need to do a vlog...

oh well...

God is still good...

Going to Women of Faith (praise the Lord)...
thanks to my sister and dad financing me to go...

What a blessing

Will report...and get that sim chip so I can videotape too.



Erin said...

Hmmmm...if you start to stress about followers, you stop having fun with your blog. (At least, that is how it is for me.) Just post from your heart and your audience will find you!

Unknown said...

Well, girl, you can do it! Hop back on that wagon and keep on with that.

I keep checking in, espcially on Fridays.

Big hug!

SeaShore said...

I gained about 4 lbs this weekend (we were away). Oh well! It will come off soon.

Good luck :)