Saturday, August 29, 2009

hot, humid and all over the place...

Saturday night 9:45

a record high was set in my city today...
hasn't been this hot since 1972....

a little tired...should be in bed.

hear sounds coming from backyard...
so hot we've gone to the backyard for relief...
not use to hot and humid weather...
no one on my block has air conditioners...
it's never been needed until about 2 years ago...
and then only for a few days...

these are those days...

so it's hot...
(slider glass door opens...another child comes in from the tent.)

so it's hot...
child who refused to go in tent...comes out complaining about being in room alone.

"Pleeeaasseee go back to bed...NOW!"

so it's hot...
"Mom...I'm hungry.:

"You just ate....go to bbeeedd!" I'm not only loud...but frustrated.

Is this what the heat does to folks...

so it's hot...
I haven't been interested in blogging...
I haven't been interested in anything...
a very weird week.
quite tired and stuck in first gear...
not getting much done...
no real words of wisdom today...

I'm going back to the set record high today...

don't was 87° with 80% humidity...
and I hear crickets....I thought they were only in the south...


Bethany said...

The weather has been feeling totally midwestern/southern--you are right. The soft velvety humid night air reminds me of taking walks around the neighborhood on warm summer nights with my dad when I visit in Illinois. I am hoping to make a trip in October and enjoy a little genuine autumn weather, too.

Lorrie said...

I'll have to favorite October I've ever had weather wise...was in Illinois visiting my hubby's family. The days were mildly warn, nights were clear and crisp...and it was "sweater weather" with sun...that part of the country really is beautiful.

Sarah said...

It is an honor and privilege to battle with you today. I will be warring on my knees this week for you and your precious family.
Lord, may Lorrie raise her children to truly know you, to help them understand your purposes for their lives and to send them out on their mission in the world to impact their generation for Christ.

Blessings to you,
Sarah Dawn

Deborah Ann said...

What a beautiful family! I'll be battling the weather too, fairly soon. It's frozen tundra here in cheesehead land. I'll trade you!

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