Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday weight UP date...

Well it was bound to goofing around and being smug on the scale.  I jumped on and not only did I pass BACK into the old zone...I was 2 lbs heavier.  I sat there shocked...while my hubby says...

"Whohoo!  I just go into another set of 10s."  Now, I'm proud of him for eating healthier...but I want to lose weight as fast as a man too. There was NO WAY I was going to tell him my weight....just no way!

Well I'm just going to have to kick those 2 lbs to the curb and get with it so I won't be sulking by Saturday.  I know things will go haywire next I've got to pour it on NOW.

Blessings and Peace.


LisaShaw said...

Hang in there. Remember our entire body make up and chemistry is SO different from a man so please try not to compare yourself to the weight loss of your husband. Realistic expectations and goals is good.

Blessings and peace.

Lorrie said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I know it to be true...but I've been PMSing so I know any little gain is going to throw me off.

From the Old InkWell said...

Lorrie, thanks so much for visiting me today and taking the time to leave you comment. You really got my drift! Two kindred minds. :)

~Lisi P. said...

Keep working at it. We definitely cannot compare our weight loss to a man's. They drop weight differently than we do. You'll be writing how you lost those 2 pounds & then some next week!!!!