Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So here I am getting ready for Taming the tongue Tuesday...
I'm sitting here thinking about what God might want me to post...
and I go over to 
and I see the Mr. Linky for Wordless Wednesday...

so I start thinking...
why would they post that on Monday night?

Then it dawned on me...

it's Tuesday night...not Monday night!
(I actually thought that about 10 minutes ago.)

It's going to be a long week.

Ecclesiastes 3: 6
a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away...

I'm giving up on Monday, Tuesday...
whatever day it is...

I'm going to look for a Wordless Wednesday photo.


More Than Words said...

Yah, girl..start over next week!! LOL...I'm all messed up too! I thought it was Sunday night last night!

Beth in NC said...

I'm with you! I feel like it is Tuesday too! I hope I remember to go to church tonight!

really.truly said...

I know! I'm so confused :)