Blessings folks. Isn't is great to be alive....
You're thinking....
It's a holiday Tuesday...and I'm still on holiday time.
It's a Monday according to my work week and home week.
So that means...
Monday house chores are going to get done (or attempted) today.
Monday work that's piled up at the office will be done (or attempted) today.
Monday's blog post that should have written yesterday is being
I'm sure I'll be back in the grove of things....TOMORROW!
Highlights from my weekend...
Friday - hanging with my sister while she watched me (attempt) homeschool - my kids can't study with Auntie around.
Saturday - doing some stealth Father's Day stuff (which was SO fun...but I didn't get to do it.)
Sunday - Church and Memorial Day stuff (another post...for sure)
Monday - hanging with a friend who's a little under the weather.
Well we might be dragging...but let's count our blessings...
We're blessed with great families, great friends and a GREAT FAITHFUL FATHER ladies.
Too bad you didn't get to participate in the stealth FD's stuff yourself, it would have been awesome, I know!
We indeed have so much to be thankful for. Have a blessed week.
~SMILE~...I thought I was the only one feeling a little off today. There is extra work to be done today for sure, but it was worth it just to spend some time with the family yesterday. Happy Tuesday to you!
I know, I'm all messed up too! LOL
Oh..and I can never homeschool w/ someone else here. Way too distracting for them, and for me!
I will be thrown off with the days for the rest of the week! lol!
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