Friday, November 14, 2008

People among the memories and stuff

Last night my sister-in-law came over with stuff in tow.   She had old books, old letters, old computers... just some serious junk in tow.  Old papers and precious items were mixed together that had come from my husband's childhood room.  His room has been in the same state for over 30 years and with the addition of his mom's really hadn't changed much.  Now that his mom is sister-in-law is cleaning everything out.  B and I went through the old annuals, some love letters I wrote him, (they were soooo mushy) and report cards where B had aced another quarter at UCSB. (He was so smart it was disgusting!)  I kept the time these items really meant something...but now they just sit in old dusty empty boxes.

What things do we do during the day that end up in the empty box of time when we do them?It's good to clean, work, and keep up things...but there is something to be said for spending quality time with others as well.  All those old items kept putting us back in time to events...back in time to people, and doing things with folks we loved.   It's always good to have mementos...but it's better to have the memories of fellowship.

Hebrews 10:25 - Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Make it a point to encourage and really focus on someone today!

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