my little wrinkled grape - never looking towards the camera!
(September 19, 1995)

14 years ago...exactly
I spent my day not frolicking out in the "end of summer" sunshine.
I was blessed with induction in the hospital.
I don't take this lightly since I know some will never have the chance to experience labor of this sort. Short, quick, to the point. Other women will labor for months, years to bring their children home...ok...I'm getting off track.
Back to today! Well 14 years ago.
My ankles were round sausages and no one seemed to like the numbers 150/100...
so induction was done.
I begged for an epidural.
No insurance. (We ultimately ended up charging our hospital stay...and he's finally paid off!)
So I was left with my mom and mother-in-law feeling the brunt of my labor pains.
My mom kept saying..."You're doing so well...I keep waiting for you to scream your head off."
My mother-in-law kept saying..."I'm getting nervous...why isn't she screaming."
It turns out...when I am REALLY in pain...instead of getting louder and more rowdy.
I go quiet and into myself.
Sorry Bill...no bathroom for you.
If I can't go...you can't too.
Poor Bill...they had to sneak him to the bathroom.
After Bill endured 9 hours of having to sneak to the bathroom...
Little Bill was born.
5 lbs and 13 oz.
but VERY long at 21 1/2 inches.
Happy Birthday Billy (on his 5th birthday)
My verse for him has always been Luke 2:52
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man!
Do the same pumpkin...do the same!
This morning at 6:55...he's got to be at school at 7:30! (He's obsessed with NOT being late!)
Sorry this one's off my cell phone (and my old raisin is still looking away!)
For more flashback photo fun...visit Alicia!
Little Bill is such a big man now!! What a sweet baby he was...and handsome teen;)
You crack me up with the "no potty for you"! LOL.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your little (or not so little) man!! What a sweetie - I love his little dimples in that middle picture. Have a good weekend ~ ♥
Oh, how handsome is he!!!
My daughter does not like to be late to anything either. Thank goodness we homeschool! LOL!
Your poor hubby..sneaking into the bathroom! I'm just picturing that!
My middle one doesn't look at the camera, either...how funny is that?
Glad your baby is paid off, I guess that means they can't make you return him?
Isn't it amazing how they grow and grow and grow and we still see the little baby we brought home all those years ago.
What a handsome young man you have, and love the other pictures of him as a baby and then as a little boy.
Glad he is all paid off, lol! That is so funny, hehehe!
happy birthday little Bill!!!what a cute picture..i hope you have a great day...
What a little cutie... but wow! What a labor!
How the years fly . . make the most of them 'cos they'll be over before you know it!! He's grown into a most handsome young man and I can see you're very proud of him.
I had an induction and trust me, it was so very painful . . .
I'm new to blogging and this is my first visit to your blog but I'm going to sign up to follow you and your family 'cos, well, I like your style!!
Come over and visit when you have a moment . . I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.
Back again soon . . and thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us.
and Bill . . happy birthday!!
YOur little raisin looked like a head on a blanket. lol so cute!
Summer induction does not sound like the way to go. So sorry there was no insurance to pay it all off. but babies come don´t they insurance or no.
What a handsom young man he is becoming and may he become a Great Man of God!
Oh what a cutie!
Happy belated birthday to Little Bill!
The first pictures is so cute such a beautiful memory.
He is grown fast and so handsome with a good sweat heart!
Have a Lovely♥Day Robyn!!
It is good to be back!!
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