Magic Mountain vs. hanging at the pool....
This is what was posed to my oldest this morning.
My hubby and I (feeling guilty-it must have been the devil)
were feeling guilty because our oldest wasn't going to Magic Mountain with the youth.
He said it was up to me.
Not because I didn't want him to have a good time...
but he just went in April and last September...and the youth go
every April
every September....
(that's another rant for another post)
feeling guilty!
Well I didn't feel guilty enough to cave in...
I did tell him...
if you want to use your birthday money...you can.
He said...no...he's saving for a laptop.
So there we were...him and his $150 (his 8th grade grad money, recycling money, mowing the yard, and now birthday money...)
and there I was...
tightening our belt for the month and not giving in.
And there was my poor husband...who was ready to pay for his son to go...
but right now I'm like...
if one goes...they all go...so that means I would go....
and right now...
It's not fair to my middle one (who DOESN'T like Magic Mountain) so that's a wasted $30 ticket.
Ok...I've ranted enough...
going to get ready to swim...
something they all like to do...and something that's
Thanks for letting me rant!
Good for you, Lorrie. I know my kids (and me too sometimes!) sometimes feel this sense of entitlement because our lives have been so blessed with opportunities and material goods. Right now my oldest seems to think that she is entitled to my "help" (read: do it all) to clean up her pigsty of a room. I already helped a little but mostly, she made the mess and she needs to tidy it up. She is not entitled to her mommy doing it for her.
I'm saving for a new lap top too. Seems like something always comes up that I need that money for. Maybe I should mow some lawns. ;)
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