Native American dye chart (click to make photo bigger...just amazing)
The Native Americans used EVERYTHING!

I repeat EVERYTHING...all plant matter and animals were carefully used to sustain life.
Beautiful jugs and pots were made to carry their water. Sure they could have used a typical pot and not embellish it...but they choose to decorate it, adorn it and take something as mundane as getting water into a beautiful art form.
Wheat was prepared and placed in beautiful were medicinal flowers, herbs and whatever had to be gathered...
they said I could take pictures at the museum...uggghh that glass
It doesn't take much to add beauty to your day.
We know the noble woman in proverbs "makes coverings for her bed; and she is clothed in fine linen and purple."
Fine linen wasn't easy to make. Purple fabric had to be dye. There wasn't a Ross or Macy's around the corner. Time and preparation were taken to add beauty to the things around them.'s easy to have beautiful things around us.
So much so, that we take them for granted. we make our homes sing this Monday, as we start the work week, or head out on vacation...
God is awesome and has given us so many blessings.
Sometimes it's hard in between diapers and piano lessons,
swim lessons and soccer... boy I'm preaching to myself today!
take something you normally use...and make it a little "extra special" Make something in your life a little "purple". Put some extra care or effort into ANYTHING!!
I'm not sure what I'll do...but I'll let you know.
Go out there and be a blessing to someone today...and don't forget to "purple" something or someone...
Good Morning. Thanks for visiting my blog....and I love yours. And you are in Oxnard....I had my first job there and my husband went to ITT and worked at Saint John's hospital. I also had a real estate job of taking pictures of homes for sale. We drove ALL OVER Oxnard. "J" Street drove us crazy. Anyway, I will be visiting your blog whenever you do a new post.
I love this. It is a great idea. I will work on this myself.
Lorrie, thanks for the visit - home to see you more often!
God does give us so many gifts everyday!
Have a great week!
I just love your posts! It's so our take things for granted. Gratitude over everything....big and small is so important. I love how you said to go out and "purple something up". :)
My latest resolve to "purple something up" is to budget $20/month to keep real flowers in the house. At the fruit stand they are $5/bunch; at Trader Joe's you can usually find something cute for around $5. I love the way my whole attitude is different when I have a vase of real flowers on my island!
Thanks for the reminder to make our home sings. You are the bomb my friend :)
Bethany...I too have decided to keep fresh flowers on my table...sometimes they are competing with legos and army men...but golly...I'm having flowers on the table or the counter (they're safer there!)
Yesterday...I went swimming with the boys and I "purpled" their lunch. I have a little utilitarian cooler and a picnic basket. I used the picnic basket because it was cute. I knew they wouldn't appreciate it...but I was wrong. They thought it was cool and they're friend was"I wish my mom did that." I almost cried on the spot. Folks we miss so many opportunities to serve our little ones and big ones...
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