who nominated me for this lovely friends award! Thank you.
This award is bestowed on blogs whose aim is to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement and are real. Our hope is that when the ribbons on these prizes are cut, even more friendships are made... (That's straight from Neisha...or whoever originally wrote it...it's the friendly blog award...)
But she's right...there are so many blogs I love reading but I will pass this on to the following blogs... Please get a chance to look at these lovely and charming bloggers...
I know some of you might already have this...but I think your lovely and charming nonetheless.
Nagle 5 News ('cause she's random, real and sweet)
a missionary blog I read daily... Liversay Haiti
a blog that is pure bliss with wicked style... Lime in the Coconut
a Christian woman living her life and keeping us close to Christ... I'm Headed Towards My Destiny
a godly women with a beautiful family...Love Abounds at Home
a Christian mom with the BIGGEST sweetest smile in the blogosphere ... Just Stuff
There are many other blogs I love...and read often...these are the first that came to me...
I checked out Lime in the coconut--I love the photos I will go back just to see those every day!
Aw, congrats to all the winners of this award. You most definitely deserved this one <3
Congrats girl! I love your blog :)
Oh Lorrie, I am about to cry. I came over to comment about YOUR comment on my last post and here is an award -- and your comment about me. Tears! Thank you sweet friend. I will definitely put your name next to this lovely award on my slideshow.
Now, about your comment. You are right on target. It is a spiritual battle. I didn't mention on my post, but this lady is some type of Christian speaker too. Titles mean nothing to me of course. We are all human and none of us are too high to fall. I appreciate your prayers! (And thank you again for the award.)
Congrats to you Lorrie...so well deserved!
And big thanks and big hugs for putting me in with this group...not sure how deserving, but so sweet...
And I will HAPPILY place it on my blog with your name attached!
Wow! Thanks...that is so sweet of you. I love your blog...you always make me think (and I can use as much of that as I can fit into my day!). Glad to know you have some appreciation for my random musings...
P.S. I almost cried out loud when I headed over to Lime in the Coconut? How can you do that to a former So Cal native who's learning to live in place that got 100" of snow last winter? Where people complain about how terribly hot it is when the mercury hits 90? Tropical...oh, come on!
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