Friday, July 09, 2010

July fun...

Well trying to get back into the "blog" of things. I'm joining in with the flashback Friday's...
It's where we showcase our pre-digital photos....

This week I decided that to show a photo that doesn't have me in it....
Although I'm starting to look more and more like my mom...

When I saw remind me of July, my mom cooking and having friends over.
My dad grilling fish and ribs.

I have busied up my life so much, I don't have friends over unless it's a playdate.
My husband is so exhausted from two jobs we don't even own a grill.

Looks like we both need to slow down and enjoy some July fun
so we can get closer to friends and family!

Nice concept...don't know if it will happen.
But I LOVE this reminds me of July!

For more Flashback fun head to Alicia's.


Veronica Lee said...

I love the photo too. Your mom is beautiful just like you.
It's hard to slow down in this neck-breaking speed we're all going!!

Have a nice day!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh! I love family get-togethers! (which we don't have nearly that my hubby and I are empty nesters and we are not living near any of our children nor other family members!)

It truly looks like a perfect July gathering!
Blessings & Aloha!

More Than Words said...

Oh, Lorrie! I can totally relate!! It seems like life was so much more relaxed when I was little. My parents always had friends over too, and it seems like we were always going on vacation!!

Times have changed for sure! LOL

Lisa said...

I know what you are saying, sometimes I get depressed because I am always working to pay off bills and never stopping to smell the roses and then when I stop to smell the roses I feel guilty. We are going to Florida this week so that will be our relaxing family fun and then it will be back to working.
I think I can pick our your mom, is she the lady in red?