and it's an odd one...(good thing he doesn't read my blog)
In my mom's diary...
circa 1963...
were the words that spelled out...
she was planning to divorce my dad.
He was drinking up his paycheck...
and hers...
not helping with the baby (my brother)
and leaving the house a mess while she was
in nursing school and working on the side.
She didn't give up on him!
She put in for a job away from San Diego...
and he got it!
So they moved to a little coastal town...
something got a hold of my dad....
The dad I knew growing up...
never cussed,
never drank...
opened the doors of the church each Sunday,
and Sunday night,
and Wednesdays too...
was often seen exercising or reading his bible in the mornings before work...
always carried a heavy black lunch box...
and in the 80s a cell phone that looked like a purse.
Turns out once he started working...he didn't stop...
He was a hard worker in his small business
and put three of us through the university at the same time...
He helped out nieces and nephews,
uncles and aunts,
showed us how to swim,
play horse and tucked us in every night for 10 years
(while my mom worked the night shift as a nurse)
He never got upset when we would
jump off his small fishing boat in the lake...
and mess up his fishing plans!
When we were with our dad...
we felt we could do...
Thanks Dad for living up to what Jesus saw in you...
before you saw it in yourself!
Praise God for Christ never giving up on us...
and for never giving up on my dad!
Looks like he's speaking softly but caring a "STICK"!
What a wonderful testimony Lorrie! I love it and I love that last picture. :o)
I love my Dad! You are so blessed Sister Lorrie!
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