Sunday, June 27, 2010


OK so I think the key to truly having joy that comes from the Lord...

Focus on the Lord...
stay out of sin...
stay away from trifling folks...

for all you suburbanites...

It's a word my grandmother or mom would have used.
Someone who comes to you ready to spew gossip and slander,
pick into your business so they can gossip about what you said...
too worried about other people's business...can't leave yours alone...

So if you stay away from trifling folks...
focus on can stay close enough to Him to stay out of sin...
(I mean you still going to sin...but not WILLING RUNNING into sin...)
(OK we still do that too...)

Maybe...just can have a little joy!
that's what I'm working on today!
God's Joy!

Nehemiah 8: 1-11.


Beth in NC said...

Ha! I hope you stayed away from those trifling folks!

Bless you girl!

More Than Words said...

Very good advice!!!!!