Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Taming the Tongue Tuesday

The other day I walked into the family room and saw a sight
I HATE seeing.
My little one...
on full aggression mode.
He was pounding on my middle son's back!

"Nathan, give it back!"
"I'm gonna tell."

So here I am...without even thinking about what
MIGHT have happened...
"Nathan...give it back!"

"Mom...I don't have it!" Nathan whines.

"Just give it back!" I say...this time louder.

"Mom...really I don't have it."

so I pull the little one off the big and sit them both on the couch!


Turns out! Nathan didn't have
Bry was just attacking his brother and saw me coming...
and YOU KNOW how kids can put in information...
where there isn't any!

Proverbs 18:17
The first to present his case seems right, till another
comes forward and questions him.

Let's remember.
When someone comes and gives you information...
about a situation...
a person...

it SEEMS right...
but in reality...
the truth might still be uncovered!

Just because you hear information first...doesn't mean it's always right!


More Than Words said...

Yes, so true!

My kids do this sometimes, and the one who is blames is the one who is usually innocent!

Lisa said...

Awesome Lorri....that even happens with adults.

Deidra said...

That's a good word. Thanks for the reminder.