Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cranky and sick has invaded our home...

Wow...this week is flying by
I was hoping the cold weather was going to last...
but it looks like it's going to be a typical

Got a sicky at home.
Right now I hear a faint...
"I want my Rice Krispies"...
but he didn't finish his eggs which is what he asked for...
and of course no milk with a cold...

so no Rice Krispies...

I'm digging in...

"Where is my Rice Krispies?..."
With a whine and twang that crawls under my skin.

"Stop screaming..." you're cranky and sick....I'm thinking...

"Where's my Rice Keespies" His cold is messing up his speech.

Why am I doing this again?
Oh yeah...I'm suppose to be teaching the responsibility of eating what you've been given or even asked for...
Lord...I'm tired and it's only 9 in the morning....
Lord...where are my Rice Krispy (treats)?


Shonni said...

I'm so sorry for the sickness in your home!

LisaShaw said...

Praying for your family...

Came by to wish you a blessed Christmas and New Years.

LisaShaw said...

Praying for your family...

Came by to wish you a blessed Christmas and New Years.

More Than Words said...

Oh no!! Praying the sickies go away!!

Beth in NC said...

Yikes. Poor baby, and your son. Ha. It is hard on Mommy too. I pray he feels all better ASAP.

Bless you girl!

SLC said...

Praying he heals quickly, and gets his Rice Keespies.