Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yep...Children's Church again...

Today my pastor's sermon comes from Acts 20. He's speaking on receiving your ministry from the Lord and having said ministry help you run the course of life.

Children's church will be a potpourri of teaching the children about the Holy Spirit and how with God's help...things go more smoothly.

I'll take the kids through various "chores/activities" in the room. Some will be easy to do...some will be impossible to do...

If we concentrate on living our lives with God in mind...and allow the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us...then life will have more joy.

Children will naturally think...ok if I'm a Christan...then life will be easy.
I'll stress that life will be more fulfilling, more JOYOUS, and eternal life isn't bad too...
but it's not designed to always be easy.

We'll have to see how it goes.

1 comment:

really.truly said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes!