Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday weigh's back!

Well as you can see....the
fabulous for fall blog program I tried to do...

didn't turn out to be so...

But as I walked through this summer
struggling with my weight...

the official tally is
a loss of
7 lbs from June to September.

Not impressive...
but I'm still down from the beginning of the year.

I think I did better when I posted my weight
every Saturday here.

So I'm back to my ole' routine...
and I'm starting today...

I walked with my neighbor from down the street this morning early...
and I'm trying to hunt down other walking partners so I'm
forced into some accountability!

see ya next Saturday....hopefully you'll be seeing less of me!

1 comment:

SeaShore said...

Congratulations on your 7 pound loss for the summer. That's about 1/2 a pound a week, which is a perfect rate for permanent weight loss! Well done :)