Well here we go...
It's Friday so it must be Friday Foto Flashback over at Alicia's.
She's got more cool photos so don't forget to check her out!
Let's see...I've had my wedding photo...a vacation photo...
forever sister's photo...a 70's photo...an 80's photo
and my only Christian celebrity photo.
(I'm still looking for my other celebrity photo for another post.)
So I thought it only fitting to do something a little more up to date.
So I've gone back to 2002 (just a short time long ago....)
but my clothes look like 1995...and I can't remember why?
My hair is oh so Moesha/Destiny's Child/Be Be and Ce Ce 2000! and the sparkles on my dress....
ohhhh so shiny, if I must say so myself!
We were at a family reunion. My boys had already melted down... I was DETERMINED to stay dressed up until my 4 year old...had a serious accident in his best clothes (yes...number 2...horrific!)
He had some phobia about the hotel bathroom and well...ran while in mid stream...
sorry TMI
we marched on, showed up, and I put little Ney Ney in his dress shirt from the day before and jean shorts and acted like he was dressed for success!
(He didn't know he had messed up my olive green-silver-black and white matching but not matching combination.)
YOur babies are so cute!
I love your description of all the outfits!! You can work that shiny dress :)
Oh man, your son's accident...poor thing, poor you. I'm impressed how you pressed on and did not let a little #2 stop you!
Great photo...and memories. Isn't that the way family gatherings go? No matter how much we plan, lol.
I like your hair like that!!!!
Oh man..I remember those #2 "accidents!"
That's why I love this meme because you can remember sooooo much just by one picture!!
I'm glad you joined in again, my friend!
Your hair always looks awesome. You rock any style! Is that really your oldest and middle kids? I would have thought it was middle and youngest! They look so much alike!
You are too funny. I like that hairstyle on you! Very cute!
I think you look gorgeous...so does your family...what handsome young men you have!!! :)
Isn't is so funny how just looking at the picture brought back all the details? I think the family looks fabulous and none of us would ever have suspected the chaos preceding the picture...you all just look like a happy family. In the end, though, isn't that what is all about? and that is what we all see...
You all are looking great! What I do love about FPF, is that we dig out these photos and SO many memories just start rushing back.
Great family photo! 2002 seems like yesterday to me until I look at pictures of how small my older kids were then.
Wow, it's cool that you were so dressed up for a family reunion...mine would be in jeans and tee shirts, LOL!
Haha! I'm with Muthering Heights, you all were dressed to the nines weren't you? :)
Name tags at the reunion!!! LOL! That is great! Is there any genealogy listed on those name tags, too? You know, just so people could know HOW you were related to them?! Love it! ^_^ And your boys look so cute and dressed up!
Yeah...we have our genealogy listed. Our reunions run 3 days...meet and greet/fish fry...park day...and banquet and church. This was the banquet. We have a website up the year of the reunion...I'll post a link in November when we start planning.
GREAT picture! I love it!
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