Sunday, May 17, 2009

Don't mess up Sundays with everything from the week.

o.k. so on Sunday mornings I typically post words pointing me towards worship....but not this Sunday.

I'm a little miffed...about scoffers and mockers and folks who just act plain crazy! I stayed away yesterday and missed having fun with some great folks...I ended up venting with a Christian couple I know...I figured I'd slip and say something not appropriate...and thought I'd calm down...but apparently...I'm still annoyed if I'm posting about it today.

O.k. note to self.

God is still in control.

Go get dressed.

and go worship the Lord.

(in my little self serving way...I think I'll wear something ugly just in defiance...
o.k. so I won't...but I want to.

Lord.....Help me to serve you and not serve on how I FEEL on any given day! You are the Maker of heaven and earth and I'm humbled that you love me.

Blessings and Peace!


More Than Words said...

That's right, Lorrie!! We shouldn't worship the Lord only when "we're in the mood." He deserves to be praised 24/7!!

The Lord is constantly working in all of us!!!!

Bethany said...

We enjoyed hanging with your men yesterday but you were greatly missed!

Beth in NC said...

Ha, you are something! I'm sure worshiping the Lord put your focus on Him and lifted your heart.

Lorrie said...

You're right Beth...I always feel better after I go to church. A lady at our church gave a girl a bible and she was beaming all day...that was worth the drive.

really.truly said...

I did the same thing this am...I ordered myself to get dressed and get out the door! I'm glad I did. I love your honesty and all that you share!!

Daphine said...

I had one of these days not too long ago. I MADE myself go to church in spite of it all...
I felt a whole lot better after going and praising my Father!

Hope that your day ended a lot better than it started out.

~Lisi P. said...

I've learned that the best time to go to church is the time you really don't feel like going. Everytime this happens for me, the Word, the Message, & the songs were just for me!!