Not only did I meet my husband in the 80s, graduate high school in the mid 80s, and leave home for the first time...I started to seriously look to God for guidance.
If I say 1988 or 1998 for that matter what's the first thing you think about? Was it a "good" year? Do you look fondly back when I call out the year 1996 or was it a life changing year, filled with despair and depression.
I told a friend recently that my "best" year was 1995.
My mom was still living, I had just had a baby, I had a dream job, and I really loved my life.
My girlfriend told me, "Well my best year was 1996...I had just bought a home, my daughter was in a good zone, and things were going great."
It's funny how the same years can bring different reactions to different people.
Someone today you know is hurting.
When they look back at 2009, it will be a year filled with despair and depression.
2008 in our family was pretty hard, but it was rewarding as well. Many people pulled along side us offering prayers and support. I'm hoping to do the same to someone in 2009.
Why don't you join me?
Let's offer encouragement, prayer and support to the people who are hurting this year, this month...people we know who are hurting today.
You know who's in your circle that's in pain. Call them, send them an e-card, call them up and take them out to coffee or tea. It doesn't take much to come along side someone.
On this Flashback Friday, bring some fellowship to a friend.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 - "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves..." Let's help others defend themselves against depression and despair.
Proverbs 15:1 - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
we would not have made it these last few months if people hadn't come along side us.
I loved the 80's so much that I keep trying to show my kids dances from the 80's.I don't watch VH1, but they were having an 80's countdown. My kids thought I feel off my rocker cause I kept saying "That's my song!"
Gotta love the eighties and gotta love the folks you know you can count on when times get rough! My 18 year old recently impressed me when he plugged in his Ipod on a trip we took. He not only had a ton of 80's music but he actually knew the words! This mom was so proud LOL!
Def a good year since that was the year I came into the world!
I hope your doing well Lady!
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