My niece Missy sometimes talks as soft as a whisper. Once when she was over, she quietly was in the corner saying...
"Lolo...I found you're earring."
With three loud boys clamoring for my attention I didn't even notice she was talking.
B's screaming, "Mom he just stole my pencil."
Ney's yelling, "Can I go outside?"
Bry's even louder with "Where's my limited edition breakdown train?"
And then there's Missy in the corner looking at my little treasure.
Now if you know me...the house could be on fire and I'd be trying to save these 99 cent earrings because they were a bargain.
It's the same with God's voice.
Psalm 46:10 says Be still, and know that I am God.
God, with awesome quiet and order, speaks to us to "look for me". We're so busy with the loudness of life we don't hear God. We get so wrapped up in working at home, working at work, working with our kids, working for others, working for the church. When do we stop and work on our relationship with God? Are you like me...REACTING to the loudest thing in the room, not proactively focusing on what's important. If we'd listen to God more from His word we'd have less things to react to because God would take care of them...or He'd take care of how we REACTED to them.
Go on and get your earring in the corner.
Go read God's word.
This was printed last fall...but I'm still behind a day so pray for me...also headed to the airport...RIGHT NOW...pray for me in LA traffic...I hate LA traffic...I like to GO to LA...don't like to DRIVE to LA.
....and want to visit LA someday,i heard it just beautiful....anyways you write the nicest things..have a safe drive to LA...
You just don't know how much that Scripture ministered to me today. That is def my word for today. Thanks for sharing :)
I love this inspirational word!!! Thanks for the reminder.
A very good reminder for sure.
I try and remind myself when I am in the car alone, just to even leave the radio off so I can have the quietness for a brief time...thats when God will the quietness.
Thanks for sharing!
Love this post. You always share such wisdom! true. One thing I have learned since I have been a mom, is that it may be harder than ever before to meet God everyday, but I MUST find a way to stay connected with him or I'm not going to be able to handle any of this!
Great post!
You just described me!!!!!! I need to be still and listen to His voice!!!!!!!!!!
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